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Green (ブルー Buruu, lit "Blue"), also known as Leaf (リーフ Riifu), is the female character in the FireRed and LeafGreen games Her male counterpart is Red in the same games 1 Appearance 11 FireRed and LeafGreen 12 Let's Go, Pikachu!Pokemon Leaf Green Version (Renewed) ESRB Rating Everyone by Amazon Renewed 48 out of 5 stars 41 Game Boy Advance $8799 $ 87 99 FREE Shipping Only 5 left in stock order soon Pokemon Leaf Green Version ESRB Rating Everyone Jun 27, 05 by NintendoNat pokedex No 016 Name Pidgey Type Normal Flying Ability Keen eye Hidden ability Big peck Leaf green pokedex entry A common sight in forests and woods It flaps its wings at the ground level to kick up blinding sand Evolution line Pidgey (Level 18) Pidgeotto lelvel 4 Moves Leaf Pokemon Pokemon Red Green Image Zerochan Anime Image Board Green leaf pokemon walkthrough